Wednesday, Sept. 27
2017 | ||
Wednesday, September 27th | ||
8:30 AM |
Andrew Leeper Administration Auditorium 8:30 AM |
9:00 AM |
KEYNOTE - More Than Conquerors Alexander Jamerison Administration Auditorium 9:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Abundant Living - Building a Rewarding Retirement Tony Mickholtzick McInteer 145 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Artifacts and the Old Testament Story, part 1 of 2 Dale Manor Cone Chapel 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Creating a Culture of Leadership : Practical Suggestions for Church Leaders, part 1 of 3 Aubrey Johnson McInteer 150 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
God and the Single Christian, part 1 of 3 Steve McLeod McInteer 234 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
How Does the Bible View Women? Anessa Westbrook McInteer 225 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Internet Based Ministry Resources Carlus Gupton McInteer 353 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Nurturing the Ministers Spiritual Life, part 1 of 2 Lawrence Rodgers W. McInteer 230 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Perplexing Passages - Romans 8 : The Ministry of the Spirit Paul Pollard McInteer 125 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
The Righteous God, part 1 of 3 Jim McGuiggan Heritage Auditorium 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Transformative Bible Study, part 1 of 3 Kathy Pollard McInteer 233 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Using Romans Evangelistically, part 1 of 2 Ken Stegall McInteer 229 10:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Abundant Living - The Sojourner Mission Rick Northen McInteer 145 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Artifacts and the Old Testament Story, part 2 of 2 Dale Manor Cone Chapel 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Creating a Culture of Leadership : Practical Suggestions for Church Leaders, part 2 of 3 Aubrey Johnson McInteer 150 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
God and the Single Christian, part 2 of 3 Steve McLeod McInteer 234 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Anessa Westbrook McInteer 225 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Nurturing the Ministers Spiritual Life, part 2 of 2 Lawrence Rodgers W. McInteer 230 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Perplexing Passages - Romans 8 : The Ministry of the Spirit Paul Pollard McInteer 125 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Righteousness from God, part 2 of 3 Jim McGuiggan Heritage Auditorium 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Transformative Bible Study, part 2 of 3 Kathy Pollard McInteer 233 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Using Romans Evangelistically, part 2 of 2 Ken Stegall McInteer 229 11:00 AM |
2:00 PM |
Abundant Living - Healing Hands International Art Woods McInteer 145 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Artifacts and the New Testament Story Dale Manor Cone Chapel 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Creating a Culture of Leadership : Practical Suggestions for Church Leaders, part 3 of 3 Aubrey Johnson McInteer 150 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Andrew Baker Liberty Room 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
God and the Single Christian, part 3 of 3 Steve McLeod McInteer 234 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
God's People: the Mirror of the Righteous God, part 3 of 3 Jim McGuiggan Heritage Auditorium 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
God’s Gift to the Church, part 1 of 2 Matt Carter McInteer 230 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Philip Slate McInteer 125 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Panel Discussion : The Challenge of Teaching Biblical Womanhood McInteer 225 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Perplexing Passages - The Strong and the Weak, part 1: Hearing Paul’s Plea Ashby Camp McInteer 229 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
ROMANS SERMON CHALLENGE : Accepting One Another: A Personal Journey Inspired by Romans Ben Williams McInteer 353 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Transformative Bible Study, part 3 of 3 Kathy Pollard McInteer 233 2:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Abundant Living - World Bible School John Reese McInteer 145 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Sherry Pollard McInteer 233 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
College Planning for Parents & Grandparents McInteer 225 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
God’s Gift to the Church, part 2 of 2 Matt Carter McInteer 230 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Wissam Al-Aethawi Administration Auditorium 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Kingdom Business - Jerry Hill, Timothy Hill Boys Ranch Jerry Hill McInteer 353 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Perplexing Passages - The Strong and the Weak, part 2: Applying Paul’s Message Today Ashby Camp McInteer 229 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
The Renewing of Your Mind (Romans 12) Karl McLarty McInteer 125 3:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Book Signing : Wissam Al-Aethawi, author of Islam in Christ's Eyes Wissam Al-Aethawi Administration Auditorium 4:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Holly Jennings McInteer 150 4:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Student - Walking in Step with The Spirit Daylan Moore McInteer 125 4:00 PM |
5:00 PM |
Student - Christian Beyond Culture - Living a life with Christ beyond the cultural norms Abbygale Garrison McInteer 150 5:00 PM |
5:00 PM |
Student - The Struggle of Self-Righteousness: A Story of Growing Up in the Church Logan Hollinsaid McInteer 125 5:00 PM |
6:00 PM |
Ricardo Barrera McInteer 125 6:00 PM |
6:00 PM |
William Zhang McInteer 150 6:00 PM |
6:30 PM |
Concert - Harding University Chorus Benson Auditorium 6:30 PM |
7:00 PM |
KEYNOTE - The Churches of Christ Salute You Bruce McLarty Benson Auditorium 7:00 PM |