Foreign Language Lectures | 2017 Righteousness From God: The Revolutionary Message of Romans

Foreign Language Lectures

Foreign Language Lectures

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Monday, September 25th
4:00 PM

律法·良心·罪 [The Law, the Conscience, and Sin]

William Zhang

McInteer 150

4:00 PM

6:00 PM

No hay justo ni aún uno [There Is No One Righteous]

Ricardo Barrera

McInteer 125

6:00 PM

因信称义 [Justification by Faith]

William Zhang

McInteer 150

6:00 PM

Tuesday, September 26th
6:00 PM

Muertos al pecado [We Have Died to Sin]

Ricardo Barrera

McInteer 125

6:00 PM

信心与行为 [Faith and Works]

William Zhang

McInteer 150

6:00 PM

Wednesday, September 27th
6:00 PM

Tolerancia: la conversación entre el débil y El Fuerte [Tolerance: The Conversation Between the Weak and the Strong]

Ricardo Barrera

McInteer 125

6:00 PM

以神为本 [God-Centered Outlook]

William Zhang

McInteer 150

6:00 PM