
Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership


Dr. David Bangs


The purpose of this dissertation was to determine the effects of university experience on male and female students on the perceptions of mentoring relationships. The study was designed to aid university leadership in developing a rationale that could better strengthen undergraduate mentor relationships. For the study, the mentoring theory by Garza, Reynosa, Werner, Duchaine, and Harter provided the core framework for the research. Each of the hypotheses addressed the perception responses to the Ideal-Mentor-Scale in integrity, guidance, relationships, and overall relationships. The research was carried out using a quantitative, 4 x 2 factorial between-groups, causal-comparative study. No significant interaction between university experience and gender was found. Also, the study found no significant main effect of university experience on perceptions of integrity, guidance, relationships, and overall relationships. However, the study found a significant main effect of gender on integrity and the overall importance of mentoring relationships. Women scored significantly higher than men in perceptions of integrity and overall relationships. One limitation that might have affected the study was that this study only used student data collected from one liberal arts university in Arkansas. This study’s results could shape the future related to the value of mentor training development for mentors and mentees for successful growth on the mentoring theory continuum.

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