"The King and His Favorites" by Luke Ziegler

Publication Date


Subject Area

Section 4: Kings, Courts, and Crime


The historiography of Edward II has painted him as a weak king who deserved deposition, overemphasizing his faults while under-examining the circumstances in which he had to rule. Starting from the earliest chronicles, through the early modern period, 19th and 20th centuries, and through the present, the historiography demonstrated the changes that Edward II’s reputation has undergone. These changes went from thinking of Edward as a weak king who should be blamed for all of England’s ills, to acknowledging and addressing his faults while realizing that not everything was under Edward’s control to fix.

About the Author

Luke Ziegler is a senior double majoring in History and Spanish and is from Fort Smith, Arkansas. He currently serves as the copy editor for Tenor of our Times and is Vice-President of the Student Government Association. After graduation, he plans to attend the University of Alabama to earn a Master’s in History.
