
Publication Date


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Section 7: Book Reviews-Modern Reformers


Published in 2008, Edward J. Robinson’s Show Us How You Do It: Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914-1968 poses a thesis that Marshall Keeble had such a strong impact on the formation of African American Churches of Christ in the twentieth century because of his willingness to work alongside white supporters of his ministry, thus making two fellowships within the Churches of Christ that reflected the broader racial, social, and religious context of the United States. Robinson accomplishes defending his thesis by first describing Keeble's upbringing and influences in the church. In the next section of his book, Robinson explains Keeble's affinity for the Gospel Advocate and his theological views. Robinson spends a great deal of time in his third section addressing the paradox of black Churches of Christ being supported by white people and congregations, yet enduring racism from whites during the Jim Crow era. The final section of Robinson's work explains Keeble's multigenerational impact and legacy within the church.

About the Author

Jonathan Underwood is a junior Social Science Licensure and Leadership & Ministry Major from Hernando, MS. He is a member of the American Studies Institute, Phi Alpha Theta, and Omicron Delta Kappa. His career aspirations are to teach history and coach football at the high school level, as well as be a vocational preacher.
