Document Type

Research Paper

Date of Completion

Summer 2024


Communication Science Disorders

Faculty Mentor

Jaime Walker


A university speech clinic provides, at no cost to clients, more selective, limited speech and language services by a student clinician in the Communication Sciences and Disorders program under the supervision of a certified speech-language pathologist (SLP). A private speech clinic requires certified speech-language pathologists and assistants. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Harding University Speech Clinic’s client population, particularly in terms of socioeconomic status, since the city in which the university is located has a higher average poverty rate than the state. Additionally, the study sought to measure the level of client satisfaction with the services received, what the clinic can do to improve services, as well as if the clients were not seen at the clinic, would they have been seen at a different clinic. This study was conducted through a Google survey that was sent out to a list of clients seen in the Harding University Speech Clinic from 2021 thru May of 2024. The results indicated that the clinic serves a wide socioeconomic range of clients, that they are overall satisfied with the services provided, and that most of the clients who responded would receive services elsewhere. The overarching theme that respondents said the clinic can improve on is communication with parents/guardians or the client themselves depending on age.

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